Set up Maihem


Generate API key

Generate API key in your Maihem account settings.

Book a call to get access to the Maihem platform


Set API key as environment variable

Set your Maihem API key as an environment variable called MAIHEM_API_KEY.


Install the Python SDK

This assumes you have Python installed. See this guide to install Python if needed.

Command line interface (CLI)
pip install --upgrade maihem

Simulate and evaluate a conversation


Create target agent

In the terminal run the following command to configure your target agent. This will also create a folder in the current directory.

Command line interface (CLI)
maihem target-agent create \
--name "demo-tutor-agent" \
--role "AI tutor" \
--description "A history tutor that helps students prepare for exams with practice questions and summaries."

Go to the new folder demo-tutor-agent, where there are some pre-populated Python scripts.

Command line interface (CLI)
cd demo-tutor-agent

Create test

Create a test using the Customer Experience (CX) module. A module defines the scope of a test.

Command line interface (CLI)
maihem test create \
--name "test-1" \
--target-agent-name "demo-tutor-agent" \
--modules "cx" \
--maihem-behavior-prompt "Request quizz-style questions and deep dives in bullet points for identified gaps" \
--number-conversations 4

Connect target agent with wrapper function

To connect your target agent with Maihem, you need to pass a function to call your target agent. File contains the function wrapper_function to call your target agent.
import requests
from typing import List, Tuple

def wrapper_function(
	conversation_id: str,
	maihem_agent_message: str | None,
	conversation_history: dict,
) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
	"""Callable function to wrap your target agent to be tested."""

	# Call demo Maihem target agent for quickstart
	url = ""
	payload = {"message": maihem_agent_message if maihem_agent_message else ""}
	response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload).json()
	return response["message"], response["contexts"]

Run test

Command line interface (CLI)
maihem test run \
--name "modelX_prompt2.5_28-11-2024" \

See results in Maihem webapp

Go to your Maihem account to see the results of your first test.

Next step: see our how-to guides

A test simulates conversations to comprehensively evaluate your target agent and find failures